Buxus sempervirens
A beautiful, multiple purpose, slow growing shrub with a pillar like shape which is perfect for use as a feature when planted by itself or grouped together to form a hedge or screen. Branches grow vertically to approximately 2.5m H.
Emerald Pillars have a slightly different shaped leaf to the standard English buxus - they tend to be a little bit wider and more rounded with more of an emerald green colour to them. Young foliage has a soft, light green colour which darkens when hardened off. During the winter months some foliage may bronze off, however this will return to a deep rich emerald green when warmer weather returns.
Buxus thrive in soil of a Ph between 6.5 and 7.5.
They don't like acidic soil - use a product such as Dolomite Lime to neutralise soil.