Eco-fungicide is a registered organic fungicide for the control of powdery mildew, black spot and rust in many plants including tomatoes, zucchini, roses, grapevines and geraniums. It attacks existing fungal infections and kills external fungal growth within minutes. eco-fungicide also leaves an invisible protective coating that prevents new spores from germinating.
eco-fungicide is a contact spray so good coverage is essential to obtain the best results. With the concentrate product we recommend adding a little eco-oil (2ml per litre) to the mix to help the solution stick and spread evenly over the foliage. No need to add this to the Ready To use version.
You can also create a two-in-one organic insecticide and fungicide by adding eco-oil at it’s regular strength (5-10ml per litre) to the eco-fungicide solution.
Safe for beneficial insects in the garden including bees.