Very hardy low maintenance shrub that grows in a naturally dense, domed habit, requiring little to no pruning when given adequate room.
Plant in full sun to part shade in well draining soil. Once established water requirements are low but don't allow to dry out over extended periods of heat.
No pruning generally required other than shaping to style. A light trim after flowering will, however, help to maintain a neat, compact shape. Apply a slow release fertiliser after flowering for best results. 1.5m H x 2m W.
• Deepest, darkest coloured foliage found amongst Loropetalums - retaining colour year round
• Vivid deep raspberry coloured, tasseled flowers during spring and autumn
• Maintains a naturally dense, domed habit
• Easy to grow with minimal maintenance
• Stunning feature specimen providing both structure and year round colour
• Long season of interest for entertainment areas
• Weeping habit makes it ideal for Asian or Oriental style gardens
• Informal hedging
• Contemporary or cottage style garden
We recommend you use Stoneman's Premium Mix if planting in a container.