Pyrus calleryana x pyrifolia ‘NCPX1’ Javelin™ 300mm pot
Named for its highly upright, narrow growing form, Pyrus 'Javelin' is the narrowest growing form of Pyrus currently available in Australia and is an exceptional choice for those tight on lateral space.
Perfect for use in all garden situations, as an avenue, along a fence line, or to bring vertical lines into the garden/open spaces.
Suitable for medium sized gardens and used for driveways and street trees. The narrow habit will suit smaller areas for landscaping.
Tolerant to most soil types and air pollution. Disease resistant.
Adaptable to a range of site conditions including quite dry soils, slightly alkaline soils & air-pollution. Also able to tolerate intermittently wet, heavy soils.
Pyrus Javelin™ is truly a tree for all seasons. Spring starts with an impressive display of delicate white flowers. As the season progresses, the flowers are replaced with dense, glossy, dark green foliage which makes an ideal background and screen for garden beds, courtyards, and fence lines. In autumn, the leaves transition to stunning shades of red, making a spectacular statement before the leaves drop allowing the winter sun through.
Like all ornamental pears, it is very tough and adapts to a wide range of conditions. Pyrus Javelin™ will perform well in hot, dry conditions, heavy and wet soils, full sun, and part shade. In fact, we are yet to find a location where these trees won’t perform! In larger areas, there are unlimited creative applications for Pyrus Javelin™ – lining paths and driveways, framing entrances, providing vertical accents in mixed planting schemes, grouped plantings, defining spaces, and looks especially good as curved row.
Whether you are looking for a fool-proof solution for a problem garden space or aiming to create a visually impactful landscape design, this upright ornamental pear could be your answer. With its unique characteristics and striking appearance, Pyrus Javelin™ is poised to become a favourite and is sure to leave a lasting impression.