The true tea camellia
Why buy tea leaves when you can enjoy the simple pleasures and health benefits obtained from making your own homegrown, hand-crafted tea. Green Tea is made from the freshly picked leaf buds.
While predominantly grown for tea, Camellia sinensis is a very versatile plant. Dense, glossy green leaves provide a beautiful contrast for the lightly scented, small, single white-cream blooms that are produced in abundance from Autumn to early Winter and are beautifully contrasted by glossy green leaves.. This gorgeous spreading evergreen can also be used for hedging, screening and espaliering or as a feature plant in the garden, pots or containers. 3m x 3m.
Plant in full sun to part shade in free draining acidic soil. A light prune in spring will help to shape and keep the plant dense and compact.
We recommend you use Rose, Gardenia & Azalea specialty potting mix
We recommend Azalea, Camellia & Gardenia Food to keep your plant healthy and happy.