Sharp Shooter White Oil insect spray concentrate - Naturally controls a wide range of insects and pests.
Features & Benefits
Sharp Shooter White Oil insect spray is a natural paraffin oil that controls various aphids, mites, mealy bugs, citrus leaf miner, scale insects, spider mites and smooth skin caterpillars. Being highly effective, it is safe to use on all plants within the house and garden, indoors and outdoors including indoor plants, ornamental shrubs, Daphne, roses, deciduous fruit trees and citrus. Ideal as a leaf gloss on indoor plants and potted plants. It’s an all-season spray that is safe to use all year round.
Insects eating away at the garden and edible produce can be a real problem for gardeners so a reliable, low-toxic control is beneficial for all. The active ingredients in Sharp Shooter White Oil insect spray are safe for the environment, humans and wildlife, which means it can be used all year round. It has a one-day withholding period, which means it can be sprayed safely up to the day before harvest.
Sharp Shooter White Oil insect spray is a broad-spectrum spray that works by blocking the breathing pores of insects and pests causing suffocation.
*Read product label for information, instructions and safety directions